Ageless Fabulosity!


Let me introduce myself. My name is Frances W, mother of two, lawyer by profession, business woman, fashion consultant.. My love for fashion can not be overstated. I live and breathe fashion.

The main angle for creating my blog is my belief that people can be stylish, fashionable, and classy on a budget and at any age. We are not all millionaires, but we can dress like a million bucks.

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For me simplicity is the key- I believe I have a knack for putting things together to achieve the best look, thereby making an impression. My style is simple, fresh , uncluttered but classy. I often advise those who care to listen, more is not necessarily it – sometimes less is more. Keep it simple and natural. My make up for example is always easy on the eyes, natural and when it’s all said and done , I want to look like me not someone else ( my opinion) .

I am one for looking spiffy at all times whether I am clad in Ankara ( our African Traditional Fabric) or Western attire and for feeling good about myself. 

I believe you don’t have to have tons of money to look great. You don’t have to wear high priced fashion brands to look classy. Don’t get me wrong now…… high end designers are absolutely great BUT not all can afford; reality right????? The magic is in the way you put stuff together, that’s the key!

My blog is not going to be hung up on pretenses, absolutely not! It’s going to be down to earth and  realistic.

My other angle : I embrace the freedom of aging unapologetically and I strive to encourage my over 50s heading to 60 to come on this journey with me. I turned the big 60 last November and I absolutely feel 30ish ( lots of people tell me I look 40 ish, praise God!) We all need to love and enjoy life while aging gracefully, live life to the fullest! We need to be kind to our bodies by minding what we put in them and on them! 

For me, my life does not have to be perfect ( whose is ????? ) just stress free , drama free, happy and bubbly – my take! 

My faith plays a huge role in this. Despite the stumbles, the trials & tribulations et al , I have absolute faith in God that He is always with me no matter what! Always on my side!

So, my blog will be about all that I care for – my faith in God, my love for fashion ( elegance and class on a budget) my love for good healthy cooking , my love for travel & so much more…..please watch this space!!!!

Happy reading 

Love y’all


Stylishly Muah

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(Originally written in 2018)

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