Ageless Fabulosity!

Make A Statement

Every human being has that innate understanding that he/she is special, unique. Women all have that inner vixen waiting to come out, seeking expression in one way or the other. We all have the desire  to make a statement  with our lives , one way or another, to show our special-ness, our uniqueness. One way of showing out this inner character is the way we put ourselves together with clothes,shoes and/or accessories – fashion. We make statements with fashion. Here at FRANOLI ONLINE SHOP, the aim is to enable women…

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Ageless Fabulosity!

My Everyday Life of Faith

I promised you, my readers, my blog would not be just fashion but a medley of what makes me who I am. This post is about how my faith affects or influences my day to day life.  First of all let’s look at Faith. Faith is one of those words that is commonly used but not always understood. It is used in many different ways in everyday conversation. Looking at the dictionary, we see different uses and meanings of the word Faith therefore making for some confusion as to the real meaning of…

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Ageless Fabulosity!

The Mature Fashionista’s view on COVID-19

For more than two years, I toyed with the idea of blogging – I had this burning desire to share my life experiences on the things I care about the most : my faith in God, my love for fashion, living a healthy lifestyle/ my passion for cooking healthy meals, love for travel and much more. It has taken me this long to pull myself together to get on this journey, don’t know where it will take me but one thing is for sure I am on a mission to share, to…

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